Free Books
NOTE: Each book will be offered in pdf and ePub formats. I've also posted a "few page overview" for each. Check back for availability or send an email to express your interest. Trust me, I'm working on them.
Building Trust, Collaboration and Empowerment

Few Page Overview
Building Trust, Collaboration and Empowerment: The Inputs, Process, Behavior and Results defines the eight step empowerment process, the required inputs and the desired results. It describes the kind of culture people want. In addition, it provides an action plan of employee and supervisor behaviors for each step of the process.

TRUST - I trust him to do what’s right for me. He trusts me to do my best.
COMMUNICATE - We talk about where I’m at for each workout.
DELEGATE - I am responsible for my warm-up. He’s responsible to keep me on track.
RESOURCES - He gets access and sets the machines for me
MOTIVATE - He encourages me and challenges me
COACH - He takes time to help me ensure that my technique is proper.
RECORDS - He keeps detailed records of machine settings and my weights.
USE - Based on how I’ve done, he sets my weights for next time.
Conducting Effective Meetings

Few Page Overview
Conducting Effective Meetings provides a process to help you run meetings that actually get some work done. This requires some effort before, during and after the meeting. To be successful, you must plan, prepare, commence, conduct, close and perform post meeting work.

Leadership is about more than the leader

Few Page Overview
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Making Change Happen: Strategies

Few Page Overview
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The Seven Dimensions of a Team

Few Page Overview
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Effective Presentations

Few Page Overview
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ePub in Work
SPCz Rules

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